Project 365 | February 1-15, 2015 | Johns Creek, GA Family Lifestyle Photographer

February has started out wonderfully... such a magical time with our new tiny baby.

2.1.2015Big brother loves to help and insisted on wearing his "big brother" button every time he came to the hospital.

love these little boys


First visit to Dr. Harbaugh! Jack got to be the big brother helper

Ryan's baby quilt from Gran and Poppy


Newborn session round 1

One of the rare awake moments of these early days

Faces of the day:
Ryan's in between more newborn photos
Jack's as he prepares his Jake valentines for school

Valentine sweetheart lunch with my big boy. And his sweet answers about mommy:)

little assistant loving his camera

Happy Valentine's Day from our little loves

All the tiny details.

Yes, Jack rides his tricycle in the house:) But the best part is when he takes toys for a ride. On this day it was his "Elmo Friends." 

Pre naptime snuggles.

sweet baby face

It's so hard to make yourself get in front of the camera when you're the one making the pictures happen. When my mom was in town to help, I was determined to get some shots with my boys. As moms, we may not love how we look (especially after giving birth!) but I know when I look back on these, I will be so thankful that I got in the frame. This is already one of my favorite photos so far this year.

Learning to take the paci. We had these elephant wubbanubs with jack, so had to stock up on some new one for Ryan.

Had to capture our favorite newborn outfit of Ryan's before this big boy outgrows it!

Goofy face before school on an almost snow day.

Ryan's first "snow." I guess we should call it his first snowfall since nothing ended up sticking over here.


Project 365 | Week 4 | January 22-31, 2015 | Johns Creek, GA Lifestyle Family Photographer

Such an exciting and what felt like an incredibly loooooooong week! The days leading up to the birth of Ryan and our first couple days with him. My c section was originally scheduled for the 26th but our dr (who we love!), ended up traveling to see his first grand baby so we postponed until he got back. Baby and I held out but it really made this feel like the longest week ever.


Jack's preschool celebrates summer birthdays as half birthdays so Jack got to have a 1/2 birthday party on this day:) He was so excited and cute about getting to have a "party" and cupcakes. My friend Collette at Shaddy Cakes made the cupcakes with a cake flavor of cookies n cream. So yummy, everyone wanted more! And almost a month later, Jack is still talking about this day. 


We gave jack this umbrella for Christmas and it is arguably his favorite present ever. He has also always been all about his rain boots and coat so on this rainy day I decided to take him to a local park for some puddle jumping. He only made it through this one jump and then was too upset that his pants and socks got wet. We'll have to do this more often!


Jack asks to read about baby brother every night. This Berenstein Bears book is one of his favorites! 


On the lookout for Captain Hook!


"Double Tickles" 
Part of the "night night go go daddy" routine that's been going on for almost 2 years on John's nights to put jack down. They have a long list of made up games that they play on our bed on these nights that produce lots of squeals and giggles!


One of Jack's frequent requests is to visit Whole Foods...its all about that cart and shopping for his foods.


Jack's big boy room!


The finished half of baby's native american themed nursery. Bedding made by my mom and teepees made with the help of Jack. We'll show the other half before too long!


1:36pm: our hearts and family grew to welcome this little love. 
Ryan Lee Orton 
9lbs 3oz | 20.5 in


More love every day.

Project 365 | Week 3 | January 15-21, 2015 | Johns Creek, GA Family Photographer

Week three of project 365!
Some everyday adventures, some out of the ordinary. But a fun week to capture!

My new assistant. We were picking out paint colors for baby's room at Home Depot and Jack insisted on "helping" me take a picture. Now he does this almost every day!

16|365"Look Mommy, I in there!" Putting final touches on the big boy room.

"Look Mommy, I in there!" 
Putting final touches on the big boy room.

So many good photos from the birthday party at INK today, I had such a hard time choosing... but finally settled on these because: 

1. It was Millie's bday at ink
2. Our friend, Joel, makes the 365 pic
3. Michael covering Madeleine's mouth as she was trying to help blow out Millie's 
4. Jack and Millie's cousin are "helping" her blow the candle
5. (Pic #2) Jack stuffing his face with birthday cake- something we recently discovered that he loves!

Hopefully our last grocery trip before baby!

38 weeks. Comparing bellies.

My little assistant loves trips to the post office to mail photo orders.
Jack has been loving trips to the post office for about a year and a half now. He loves to put packages in the big door and knows the process of weighing and stamping first. I had to capture this moment of one of his favorite things.

A day in the life of a little superman... flying, preschool, napping...
These velcro cape tshirts are the cutest invention ever! I have been getting them in every size from Gap since started walking. He obviously loves them!

Project 365 | Week 2 | January 7-14, 2015 | Johns Creek, Alpharetta, GA Family Photographer


8|365 Home Depot visit to pick out paint for baby brother's room

9|365 Rear view mirror cuteness

10|365 Contemplating mischief for the day

11|365 "The Monster at the End of This Book" is not so scary

12|365 One last mommy and Jackie outing...visiting the aquarium on Monday morning!

13|365 Garbage day is still so thrilling! But if they don't notice Jack watching and fail to honk at him, he gets very offended:/ This was a good day though, honks and waves all around!

14|365 Loving his new Jake toothbrush

If you missed week 1, check it out here: Project 365 | Week 1

Project 365 | Week 1 - January 1-7, 2015 | Johns Creek, Alpharetta, GA Family Photographer

This year I have decided to embark on a Project 365... a photo a day for an entire year. I have been wanting to complete one of these personal projects for a couple years now, but finally felt the true motivation and desire to do it in 2015! With our new addition of baby brother at the end of this month, I know I'll have lots of great subject matter.

I hope to mostly capture each day with my d800 as a way of refining and expanding my photography skills but there may be some iPhone shots sprinkled throughout. So please excuse the quality of those few! Day 2 and Day 7 of this first week are iPhone captures - day 2 because I left my memory cards at home and day 7 because the moment happened and I only had my phone:)

Follow me on instagram and my personal Facebook to see daily shares. Search #ortonproject365 on instagram for the full project in progress. And follow me on my photography Facebook page where I'll link to my weekly blog posts!

1|365 - Bama v Ohio State

2|365 - Dinner at Ruth's Chris - "mommy, come take my picture!"

2|365 - Dinner at Ruth's Chris - "mommy, come take my picture!"

3|365 - Gran and Poppy were in town - Jack and Poppy wore match pjs!

4|365 - Waffle House brunch

5|365 - Big boy bed naps

6|365 - Construction site viewing on the way home from preschool

7|365 - "Baby brother, are you in there growing bigger, bigger, bigger??"